This is a Short Summary of my Book " Imagine Nothing"
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Hidden deep within your mind under all that heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter, exists a place I call “Nothing” were all your thoughts are created. By starting with nothing and by doing you create a thought.
This place is your true self. If you were to draw a picture of this place it would represent a self portrait of your inner sub conscience as apposed to a picture of your physical self.
This is also your imagination building center that you once controlled consciously. Now it runs on auto pilot. You knew this place well as a young child but as you grew older you were told how to think instead of being encouraged to develop your own individual thinking so you could fulfil your true will by connecting to your higher self.
When I say the word “Nothing”, I am NOT referring to a negative feeling that comes from having nothing in terms of material possessions, or feeling empty inside because of loneliness and confusion or having lost or have lack of love in you life.
This book contains the secrets on how to clear the heavy dark impenetrable clouds of clutter from your mind which will set your inner true self free, reuniting your self (conscience) you know and understand right now with your beautiful true self (sub conscience) that resides hidden inside your mind, forgotten and captured under all that clutter.
You will then……….
Be the Captain
Your “Nothing”
Once Again.
By: Michael Englmann
Can you
Stopping you from fulfilling
your dreams?
Well, can you? ……
If you answered yes, it means you were encouraged as a child to stay connected to the place in your mind where all your thoughts are created. This is your sub conscience or inner true self. I call it your “Nothing” or Municipal Head Office or the building center of your mind.
The ability to consciously control and stay connected to your “Nothing” means you learned, early in life, to continually clear your mind of the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter which is a by-product formed from the stresses created by the deliberately engineered life style most people accept and live by today. This life style eventually stops most people dead in there tracks.
By being able to imagine nothing stopping you, also means you are capable of imagining a clear image of your true self there-by having access to the full power of your imagination in order to form clear thoughts, ideas, and organized plans to better your life.
I will expand on my (Imagine “Nothing” concept) in greater detail all throughout the book. It is the focus of my teachings and as you can see it is also the title I had chosen for this book.
However; having a great Imagination is only the first step to fulfilling your dreams. The second step is taking action.
That being said……
If you find it hard to Imagine Nothing stopping you right now, don’t despair, there is good news. You are not alone and there is a good explanation and an easy solution to get you moving full speed ahead again.
All I ask, at this very moment, is for you to please refrain from negatively comparing yourself with someone that has the knowledge right now that allows them to imagine nothing stopping them from fulfilling their dreams.
I can guarantee 98 and ¾ percent that you are by no means less of a person just because you don’t have the knowledge yet to do so. You just need a little help reintroducing the self you know and understand now to your true self you have forgotten.
When someone meets you for the first time they tend to judge you for what they see with their eyes and instantly form a picture in their mind of who they think you must be by relating and comparing your outer image to their clouded and distorted inner image of themselves and similar past and present experiences that were misjudged and mislabelled by them, both negative and positive.
Similarly you have also instantly formed a distorted picture of how you see yourself by relating and comparing using similar past and present experiences, both negative and positive.
The unfortunate part is that most of us cannot see the image of our own true self because of how we think and live today.
If you are willing to continue reading, you will soon have a clear image in your mind of the beautiful person that you truly are. I will take you on an adventure that will teach you how to clear the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter from your mind thereby allowing a light to glow brightly blue to shine in all the dark corners of your mind. This will result in reconnecting you to the place in your mind were all your thoughts are created. Your “Nothing”
The life style that I am referring to that produces the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter that blocks out the light and severs the connection from your conscience and sub conscience is non other than a very ancient idea that was carefully crafted into the greatest plan ever devised in the history of time and presented in a gold and glitter covered invisible form I call the ``negative seed of thought``.
Everybody’s mind is a BIGBANG CONTINUM perpetually creating thoughts continuously, starting from nothing. If you are not consciously controlling your mind it still produces thoughts automatically.
Your thoughts can now be harvested and controlled by outside sources from the inside out.
This control is done through our senses by having ``negative seeds of thought`` offered to us in hopes that we will plant them in our mind.
The ``negative seeds of thought then take root in our minds and continue to grow as we nourish and water them. As they grow so does the darkness in your mind.
The ``negative seeds of thought`` will then produce fruit. Within this fruit, are more ``negative seeds of thought``. They too with be planted and take root. This process will continue until you either self destruct from the inside out or learn to destroy the bad seeds and plant good ones.
The Imagination Killer
Negative Seeds of Thought
Their Appearance is of
Glitter and Gold
With the Promised of
Fame, Fortune, Happiness and Power
No Mention is Told
Of It’s Destructive Side Effects
Extreme Busyness and Huge Responsibility Producers
Time Eliminator and Stress and Fear Inducers
With The Final By-Product
Being the Worst of It’s Kind
Taking On The Form Of
Heavy Dark Clouds of Impenetrable Clutter
Blocking Out
All the Light from Entering the Mind
Locking Down Your Metal Shutters
Preventing the Control Of Ones True Self
By: Michael Englmann
Deliberately Engineered
Designed to Severe the Connection
A Person’s Conscience and Their Sub-Conscience
Or Higher Self
And Offered Up For Self Administration
By: Michael Englmann
That was a mouthful. Just reading those words must have wound you up tight. It’s just the way the world works right now and probably won’t change anytime soon.
The focus should not be on changing the world right now anyway because that would have little or no permanent effect for the betterment of our earth simply because the changes we make to the world would be futile as long as people continue to inflict damage upon our earth.
People need to focus on changing by learning to understand who they really are first. The world would change along with us automatically.
I want to briefly discuss how these virtual glittery pills kill our imagination and how not being connected to our imaginations have a negative impact on our precious crumbling world.
Imagination killer pill’s by-product, as mentioned earlier, is a heavy dark impenetrable cloud clutter which blocks out light to your mind; why would anyone in there right mind want to self administer such things? Good question. I’m glad you asked.
That’s because you have been deceived by the ultimate deception. These pills are package in glitter and gold offering fame, fortune, happiness and power, among other things.
I’m sure you have heard of the saying:
“Keeping up with the Joneses”
Wikipedia explains it like this:
…..referring to the comparison to one’s neighbor as a benchmark for social caste or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to “Keep up with the Joneses” is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.
You can now understand why people find it so tempting and desirable to be like or keep up with theJoneses. The rewards seam so pleasing. On the outside the Jones’s look happy, but what is really going on behind those closed doors?
I’ve heard it said that
the grass is always greener
on the other side of those doors.
Most people are inclined to do what they have been taught to do all their lives and that is to try to keep up or surpass the Joneses next door with the hopes of taking over the ownership of this title; One-upmanship. The stronger your desire to do this the greater the workload you put upon yourself.
Are you following me so far? You made a choice and with every action there is a reaction. The reaction in this case is the darkening and increased impenetrability of the cloud clutter.
We have all heard
that a little
competition is healthy.
Sure, just a little. Unfortunately; overdose is the norm when it comes to “Keeping up with the Joneses”. The more you get the more you want, the more your you want, the more money you need and the more money you need the more extreme your workload becomes and the more extreme your workload becomes the bigger your responsibility becomes the bigger your responsibility becomes the busier you are and the busier you are the less time you have and the less time you have the more massive your stress becomes the more massive your stress becomes the more your health declines and so on……… I’m just saying, that’s all.
One you have collected all your things you will probably be inclined to feel very proud of yourself and rightfully so. Look at how hard you’ve worked. You have made it! You are now on top. The title is now yours. Your “are” the Joneses that everyone now inspires to be like.
Now what? Just as the universe is perceived to have no end so does your desire to want a little more. Besides, if you don’t you may loose your right to the ultimate title which you feel is rightfully yours.
So you
go for more.
What else it there to do? Besides if you don’t you may be putting your reputation on the line, with a good possibility of being labelled as a looser or worse. The pressure builds.
You soon realize that being on top requires great effort. The more you have the more maintenance is needed. Regardless whether you maintain things yourself or hire someone else to do it, more time and money will be needed
Now comes the feeling of great fear resulting from the idea of loosing your precious possessions that you have worked so hard for. How do you protect what you own? The more you have the more you have to loose. The higher you go the greater the distance you have to fall.
Some say that
the greatest fear is
fear itself.
I’m going to stop there because I think you might be getting the wrong idea of where I’m really going with my thoughts.
I’m not trying to convince you to live a life of a hobo or to desire nothing more that what you absolutely need in life to survive. Not at all; the point I am making is a very simple, and that is….
Hidden deep within your brain
under that
heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter
is a place were
all your thoughts began and
never end.
A place
that you once new well
as a young child
but as you grew older
you were told how to think
instead of being encouraged
to develop your individual thinking
in order for you to fulfil
your true will
by connecting to your
higher self.
When you have finished
reading the 11 chapters
and practiced the 11 steps
in this book
you will be able to say
Of Coarse
I Can
Standing in my way
By: Michael Englmann
Seed One
Half the Battle is Won
Believing in and Knowing
Your True self
By: Michael Englmann
Seed Two
Less can be More
Thank you for reading