Sunday, December 16, 2012

One RainDrop At A Time ( A Birthday Present )

One Raindrop At A Time

I awaken to the sound of rain
Gently tapping on the roof above me.
As if to knock on the door of my heart
To offer cleansing vibrations for my soul
While I lay there listening,
I imagined that I was connected to its rhythm
A new piece of music was being written
One raindrop at a time, just for me
It's simple moments like these
That remind me that I am alive, doing well 
And most of all thought of and loved by our Creator.
It's truly a beautiful, cleansing adventure I am on
I pray that each and every soul will awaken every morning
To their own unique musical message
That leads them on this priceless journey
Created in unison by themselves and God
One raindrop at a time.

I wrote this poem as a gift to give to Jesus Christ our Lord
on his birthday celebration this year
Merry Christmas to Everyone

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AkA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 16, 2012

Souls Were Never Sold (A Story To Ponder)

Souls Were Never Sold
(A Story to Ponder)

Human Beings never sold them-the-soul as previously thought. In actual fact what they did and still do is sell the rights to control their mind which is far worse.
The bodies actions are controlled by the mind by sending signals to different body parts by means of a drive-by-wire system known as the nervous system.
Generally, you-the-soul that resides in your body sits at the controls of your mind sending electrical signals down the nerves for the purpose of moving your body this way and that.
There are two seats at the control station of your mind. One of the two seats belong to you-the-soul (Pilot/Captain) of your human body, the second seat is for a co-pilot that the you-the-soul chooses with  free will.
At times you-the-soul chooses to go ahead on your own without a co-pilot attempting to understand life that lay ahead. This leaves the co-pilot seat open for chance. This can be a risky move, especially when moments get rough for you-the-soul to control your body on your own.
When you-the-soul is in distress, are extremely venerable. The mind becomes a noisy, busy overwhelming place for you-the-soul. This is when two things happen: the first is a gentle knock that is hard tapping on the control cabin door just behind the two seats. The second thing that happens is an introduction from a smooth over powering, enticing voice that begins to speak through the cabin speakers offering to help by taking over the controls with one condition:
"If you choose to allow me to assist you-the-soul in controlling your mind and body than I will reward you with all the material possessions you desire" .
But what about the gentle knock on the cabin door? If you opened the door you would see and feel help that offers guidance without conditions and will show you the right moves to make in order to clear the distress, fear and confusion from your mind's control cabin, guiding you to clear blue skies.
Unfortunately, most them-the-souls choose to take the easy path that comes with the condition of give up the controls entirely. What a deal, sit back and enjoy all the benefits while the dark menacing voice does all the work.
Complacent comfort sets in for you-the-soul as you settle in for the ride of its life, unaware of the dangers that lay ahead.

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Empty Clean Plate ( A Reflection Of.....)

Empty Clean Plate
( A Reflection Of...... )

An empty clean plate in front of......
Could it be true the reflection I see
No more dirty boots stomping on my mat
Below the chair from where I sat
A clean new start from with open doors
With the wisdom so simple that less is more
And the insight of what not to do
I will always hold dear the thought of me and.....
So, if your plate is filled with too much to eat
You'll feel the pain from stomping feet
In the chair from where you sit
Until the bottom of your plate you hit

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 08, 2012


Ten Things I Don't Have ( Less is More )

Ten Things I Don't Have
( Less is More )

Snails in my bed
Cob webs in my head
A bullet in my brain
A nail through my foot causing pain
Having to watch my back
Company with a rat
Eating through a tube in my nose
Cancer inside that grows
Drinking from a bottle every night
Sleeping in a bed of shite

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 08, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Connecting The Dots ( Throughout Your Thoughts )

Connecting The Dots
(Throughout Your Thoughts)

Have you every imagined all possibilities
Visions in your mind so clear it feels like reality
Your dreams are closer than you think
They can materialize in a blink
The steps are simple enough
With moments that can be quite rough
First you need to give and take
While you add and eliminate
Sitting quiet and very still
It doesn't take a lot
Finish by connecting the dots
Throughout your thoughts
To unlock the shackles
And untie the knots

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 07, 2012

Everything Good

Everything Good

Everything good I see
Reflects the good in me
Everything good I hear
Brings joy to my ears
Everything good I touch
I love and respect so much
Everything good I smell
Bring thoughts of things gone well
Everything good I taste
By God's hand was graced

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 07, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Heavy dark columns of impenetrable clutter
 Pulled over the windows of our souls 
Like an iron clad shutter
A by-product produced from busyness, stress and fear
Forming clouds in our mind's atmosphere
Blocking out the rays of light
Taking away our God given right
To control our own thoughts and ability to choose
And the understanding of don'ts and do's
It started with a negative seed of thought
Transmitted far and wide that unaware people bought
Its appearance was of glitter and gold
With a guarantee of fortune and fame with no mention told
Of its destructive side effects
Extreme busyness and huge responsibility producers
Time eliminators and stress and fear inducers
With the final by-product being the worst of its kind
Designed to control and destroy man's soul and mind 

Written By: 
Michael K. Englmann
December 06, 2012

Please Share Your Thoughts


Sledge And Chisel

Sledge And Chisel

Shelled out lives are strewn across the manufactured landscape
These unrecognizable silhouettes are disguised in tinted shades of grey
To hide their pickled souls that soak in a slew of
Shame, greed and grotesquely swollen egos
Few well-rooted rocks remain unaffected by the
Force of the golden sledge and chisel
As it hacks away at everything good
Guilty of premeditated murder of inner awareness
Self destruction was always the final destination for this
One way journey to the edge, driven by a flat projection
spinning out of control.

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 05, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Love Your Vibe ( Spread Your Wings Out Wide )

Love Your Vibe
( Spread Your Wings Out Wide )

Angels with their wings out wide
In them you can confide
Your deepest worries and fears abound
Through their God given gifts profound
You will soon learn how to love your vibe
And connect to your strengths inside
Never again having to hide
You can now spread " Your " wings out wide

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 03, 2012

Angelic Song ( Damage To My Heart Undone ) Ver 01

Angelic Song
( Damage To My Heart Undone )
Version 01

To Jesus Christ and my Angels I pray
For salvation to finally come my way
As I lay in my bed tonight alone
And cry over the greatest loss I have ever known
Freedom from this heart ache I really need
Felt from the gash where I continue to bleed
An Angel, glowing brightly blue in front of me, appear
Embracing me with warmth and love that's finanlly here
Her devine presence begins to heal as she sings her angelic song
While continuing to burst out beautiful brightness all night long
Her music resonates control of the needle and thread
To the gash in my heart it does wedd
And her elevated vibrations on high
Dry up all the puddles of pain that I cry
Thank you Angel of blue and God's begotten Son
For the damage to my heart undone
I'll spread your word Jesus Christ my Lord
With pen in hand as my Sword
To your children all over the world

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Ingniter
November 01, 2012
Revised December 06, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

The Key

The Key

To get through the door
That you choose with your gut
Apply in your head
To that which is shut
Then put in your hand
Your heart as the key
To achieve your desires
Of whom you w
ill be

Written By: Michael Englmann
November 02, 2012
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter

I was inspired to write this poem after reading the first chapter of the book titled: " Decisions " Written by: Jim Tevliving

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Taking Out the Trash in Style

Taking Out 
The Trash In Style

Inspiration comes to me in many forms unexpectedly every day. So, it has become a habit of mine to naturally anticipate great things around every corner. It's like living on cloud nine 24/7. Literally!!

Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying that my life is void of negative events or that life is a bowl of cherries. On the contrary, instead I choose to focus the majority of my energy looking for the good in everything and keeping myself open to positive events, thoughts and people.

It wasn’t always this way. One day I realized that I actually had the right to choose what I thought in my own mind. At this point. I turned about-face and began to magnify anything in my past, present and future that resembled happiness. And every time a negative thought would sneak itself into the spot light at center stage of my mind, I took immediate action by using my mental shrink ray gun on it. The micro sized negative thought was then sent through a trap door that lay below center stage that was connected to a shoot that led directly to a garbage can outside my head. Now that’s what I call taking out the trash in style.

Sometimes, instead of waiting for unexpected inspiration to appear around the next corner I will go to where I know I will find it, guaranteed. Last night we had a storm in Burlington, so I decided to do just that. I put on full rain gear, got on my bike, rode down to the beach and embraced the awesome power of mother nature, knowing full well that inspiration was there waiting for anyone who was brave enough to experience it.

It was a site to behold. While watching the awesome display of power orchestrated by Mother Nature as she controls the elements at free will, I asked myself, what kind of energy is this.

With careful thought and observation, I concluded that it was a type of positive energy that was meaningful and constructively disruptive that occasionally resulted in unintentional destruction.
This is Mother Natures way of Taking Out the Trash in Style

Written by: Michael Englmann 
October 30, 2012

AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eternal Flight

Eternal Flight
( A Sequel to " The Embers Of My Heart " )

My feet release from the earth
The sounds of unforgiving steel groan from resistance,
Bellowing out Loudly
As if to cry from the loss of bondage
The cold chains of pain that held me
shatter under strain one by one
As I rise higher and higher
The Embers Of My Heart have turned to flame
Scattershot shards of cold steel plummet down
Threatening the unprotected heavy souls below
Pain becomes but a distant memory
My dry thirsty heart, without hesitation
Sponges up the Love giving warm light
As full release and outstretched wings 
project me into Eternal Flight 

Written By: Michael Englmann 
October 26, 2012 / 12:13am
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Ingniter

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Embers Of My Heart (Version 01}

The Embers Of My Heart

Beat up and broken-left with half a heart
I dig the claws of my soul into the cold hard rock that lay below me.
The Gail force winds are polluted with particles of great loss and suffering,
Threatening my existence by attempting to suffocate the last of my  " Will to go on "
as poisonous words fall like rain and turn to steam with intent to extinguish the embers of my heart.
Without warning, the Gail winds give in to find someone else too weak to fight.
Naked and cold, I turn on my back to face the dark empty space all around me.
As I breath deep and feel the clean cool air filling my broken body, I sense healing vibrations flowing through the core of my being.
I let out an uncontrollable trembling sigh - let go - and start to cry from the image of Angels I see, through the blurry windows of my soul, go by.
I know now I'm not alone and can start
To rekindle
The Embers Of My Heart

Written by: Michael Englmann 
October 18, 2012
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

L.O.V.E ( Part One )


(Light emitting, Oracular Vibrational Energy)

God's Greatest Creation

Besides us of course !

The Ultimate Virus Protection


(Pain, Fear and Disbelieve in Everything Good)

Oracle - Latin for " to speak "

Oracle - Portals that God uses to speak directly to his people using a language made up of  vibrational energy that can be felt, heard and seen as light

Oracular Utterances also know as: " Khresmoi "

By accepting L.O.V.E. into your life you find the strength to over come fear and pain and become aware of your existence which opens your mind to your GOD given right to consciously choose to suspend disbelieve in everything good, you can then confidently leap forward with profound desire and blind faith, while guided by your hearts intuition and shielded by spherical pure love and light,  into the your sub-conscience space of  higher self that holds the true path to your wholeness and euphoria, releasing yourself forever from your present virtual state of perceived reality that is cloaked in glitter and gold with a core filled with darkness and self inflicted fear, pain and disbelief that was deliberately force upon your mind through techniques of audible and visual confusion tainted with false promise and hope for the soul purpose to own and control you.


The Speed of light is slow in comparison to our minds, but anything traveling fast, that lacks control, is generally a danger to itself and its occupant.

Light can be controlled and so can our minds. People have been fooled into handing the controls of their mind over to ill doers since the beginning of time.

Fortunately, a person can regain control of their mind again through a process of self-realization that includes admitting and accepting that they are not in control and by believing they can and will be once more.

This is where blind faith comes in by "knowing" it's possible-- void of doubt. "Will" yourself forward regardless of fearing the unknown ahead of you. The "How" will come in the form of help from others that sense your vibrations through their intellect.
There are things that are right in front of us and in our minds that we can not see and can only be sensed by our skin, heart and intellect. I believe these to be the antennas of life.. Forget what you have been taught by accepted dis-functional societal dictation.

Trust me, there is a lot of positive, essential, vibrational substances, that are not talked about, written down and rarely taught anymore in common circles.

Your Mind is Your Own
You Have the Right to Control It!!

To be continued...................

Written By: Michael Englmann 
October 17, 2012
AKA: iambigbang / Blue Sky Igniter

Monday, October 15, 2012

I Can

I Can

One foot in front of the other I go
Lead by intuition and heart
Free from dictation or what I know
Believing in a brand-new start
No path  or borders I choose to follow
From the distance comes an echo in return - familiar, forgotten and hollow
Before I know it, the distance is here
The noise that I heard becomes clear
With no one around I take a glance to the ground
Where I spot a tin can rusty and round
Looking inside, a snail rests in a vortex of rust
To rise is to fight, it must
In my fallen state, I compare that I am
Metaphorically speaking at the bottom of life's can
If something much smaller, high walls it can tame
I believe and have faith that I can

Written by: Michael Englmann 
October 15, 2012
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter

About a year ago I was walking on one of my adventures. I try to walk where my intuition leads me. I ended up in a wooded area just off a busy street call Fairview near MapleView Mall in Burlington, Ontario. There under some pine trees, scattered all around, lay more than a dozen rusty cans. Upon picking one up and looking inside I noticed a familiar shape inside that I consider a part of me. I think of the human mind as a spiral or vortex. We grow from the inside out. Our center is the place where it all happens. I call this place the nothing or control center. You create something from nothing, then you give that something away to someone and have nothing again. Repeat. The rusty can symbolizes the hollow space inside our minds were everything begins. It also believe I was sent a message in a real cool way. I can get through the rough times.
I was inspired to write a poem about this picture that I took a year ago by a new friend I made, Elvira Hopper, while working on my new website at Indigo Books in Burlington Ontario.

Thank you Elvira. Love and Light  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lady Ester of Old

Lady Ester of Old

The Lady with the ruby red lips
Sat in the chair to rest her old hips
Decorated in purple and pearls
Her beautiful grey hair tipped with curls
Without hesitation her stories she told
Of politics, religion, royalty and gold
My physical form gilded with shiver
Not from the feeling that cold would deliver
Instead from the energy felt from pure Love
And the deliverance of White light from heaven above
It secured some assurance that truth there behold
Through her hazel eyes and deliberate touch of her out stretched hand
She reminded me that we once walked together on Egyptian sand
As we fought in combat hand in hand
Against the great forces of evil
That crawled through the soil of our souls
Destroying the balance and leaving upheaval
While thriving on darkness like under ground weevils
With sadness in her voice
But willfully willingly strong
She said that we have only one choice
To win the last battle and fight against wrong
To ensure thy kingdom will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
for Gods only begotten Son
Just before she kissed me good-by 
She whispered a secret and let out a sigh
Saying I'm marked with a Three
One of the last remaining Eleven

Written By: Michael Englmann
October 6, 2012
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter

Heaven's Door Bell

Heaven's Door Bell

It is said and know well
That your voice is like Heaven's Door Bell

Ask only once to be heard

Then believe it will be

While you wait patiently for the key

To the door that will open in front of thee

Your life will be filled with treasures of need
Heard of the prayers you plead

Written By: Michael Englmann
September 27, 2012
AKA: iambigjbang/Blue Sky Igniter

Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Imagine Nothing" Summary of My Book

This is a Short Summary of my Book " Imagine Nothing"
I have not yet published the book but if you are interested in supporting me, you can buy a copy for 20.00
You can contact me by calling or texting me at 416-824-7880 or emailing me at:

Hidden deep within your mind under all that heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter, exists a place I call “Nothing” were all your thoughts are created. By starting with nothing and by doing you create a thought.

This place is your true self. If you were to draw a picture of this place it would represent a self portrait of your inner sub conscience as apposed to a picture of your physical self.

This is also your imagination building center that you once controlled consciously. Now it runs on auto pilot. You knew this place well as a young child but as you grew older you were told how to think instead of being encouraged to develop your own individual thinking so you could fulfil your true will by connecting to your higher self.

When I say the word “Nothing”, I am NOT referring to a negative feeling that comes from having nothing in terms of material possessions, or feeling empty inside because of loneliness and confusion or having lost or have lack of love in you life.
This book contains the secrets on how to clear the heavy dark impenetrable clouds of clutter from your mind which will set your inner true self free, reuniting your self (conscience) you know and understand right now with your beautiful true self (sub conscience) that resides hidden inside your mind, forgotten and captured under all that clutter.

You will then……….

Be the Captain


Your “Nothing”

Once Again.

By: Michael Englmann

Can you


Stopping you from fulfilling

your dreams?

Well, can you? ……

If you answered yes, it means you were encouraged as a child to stay connected to the place in your mind where all your thoughts are created. This is your sub conscience or inner true self. I call it your “Nothing” or Municipal Head Office or the building center of your mind.

The ability to consciously control and stay connected to your “Nothing” means you learned, early in life, to continually clear your mind of the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter which is a by-product formed from the stresses created by the deliberately engineered life style most people accept and live by today. This life style eventually stops most people dead in there tracks.

By being able to imagine nothing stopping you, also means you are capable of imagining a clear image of your true self there-by having access to the full power of your imagination in order to form clear thoughts, ideas, and organized plans to better your life.

I will expand on my (Imagine “Nothing” concept) in greater detail all throughout the book. It is the focus of my teachings and as you can see it is also the title I had chosen for this book.

However; having a great Imagination is only the first step to fulfilling your dreams. The second step is taking action.

That being said……

If you find it hard to Imagine Nothing stopping you right now, don’t despair, there is good news. You are not alone and there is a good explanation and an easy solution to get you moving full speed ahead again.

All I ask, at this very moment, is for you to please refrain from negatively comparing yourself with someone that has the knowledge right now that allows them to imagine nothing stopping them from fulfilling their dreams.

I can guarantee 98 and ¾ percent that you are by no means less of a person just because you don’t have the knowledge yet to do so. You just need a little help reintroducing the self you know and understand now to your true self you have forgotten.

When someone meets you for the first time they tend to judge you for what they see with their eyes and instantly form a picture in their mind of who they think you must be by relating and comparing your outer image to their clouded and distorted inner image of themselves and similar past and present experiences that were misjudged and mislabelled by them, both negative and positive.

Similarly you have also instantly formed a distorted picture of how you see yourself by relating and comparing using similar past and present experiences, both negative and positive.

The unfortunate part is that most of us cannot see the image of our own true self because of how we think and live today.

If you are willing to continue reading, you will soon have a clear image in your mind of the beautiful person that you truly are. I will take you on an adventure that will teach you how to clear the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter from your mind thereby allowing a light to glow brightly blue to shine in all the dark corners of your mind. This will result in reconnecting you to the place in your mind were all your thoughts are created. Your “Nothing”

The life style that I am referring to that produces the heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter that blocks out the light and severs the connection from your conscience and sub conscience is non other than a very ancient idea that was carefully crafted into the greatest plan ever devised in the history of time and presented in a gold and glitter covered invisible form I call the ``negative seed of thought``.

Everybody’s mind is a BIGBANG CONTINUM perpetually creating thoughts continuously, starting from nothing. If you are not consciously controlling your mind it still produces thoughts automatically.

Your thoughts can now be harvested and controlled by outside sources from the inside out.

This control is done through our senses by having ``negative seeds of thought`` offered to us in hopes that we will plant them in our mind.

The ``negative seeds of thought then take root in our minds and continue to grow as we nourish and water them. As they grow so does the darkness in your mind.

The ``negative seeds of thought`` will then produce fruit. Within this fruit, are more ``negative seeds of thought``. They too with be planted and take root. This process will continue until you either self destruct from the inside out or learn to destroy the bad seeds and plant good ones.

The Imagination Killer

Negative Seeds of Thought

Their Appearance is of

Glitter and Gold

With the Promised of

Fame, Fortune, Happiness and Power

No Mention is Told

Of It’s Destructive Side Effects

Extreme Busyness and Huge Responsibility Producers

Time Eliminator and Stress and Fear Inducers

With The Final By-Product

Being the Worst of It’s Kind

Taking On The Form Of

Heavy Dark Clouds of Impenetrable Clutter

Blocking Out

All the Light from Entering the Mind

Locking Down Your Metal Shutters

Preventing the Control Of Ones True Self

By: Michael Englmann

Deliberately Engineered

Designed to Severe the Connection


A Person’s Conscience and Their Sub-Conscience

Or Higher Self

And Offered Up For Self Administration

By: Michael Englmann

That was a mouthful. Just reading those words must have wound you up tight. It’s just the way the world works right now and probably won’t change anytime soon.

The focus should not be on changing the world right now anyway because that would have little or no permanent effect for the betterment of our earth simply because the changes we make to the world would be futile as long as people continue to inflict damage upon our earth.

People need to focus on changing by learning to understand who they really are first. The world would change along with us automatically.

I want to briefly discuss how these virtual glittery pills kill our imagination and how not being connected to our imaginations have a negative impact on our precious crumbling world.

Imagination killer pill’s by-product, as mentioned earlier, is a heavy dark impenetrable cloud clutter which blocks out light to your mind; why would anyone in there right mind want to self administer such things? Good question. I’m glad you asked.

That’s because you have been deceived by the ultimate deception. These pills are package in glitter and gold offering fame, fortune, happiness and power, among other things.

I’m sure you have heard of the saying:

“Keeping up with the Joneses”

Wikipedia explains it like this:

…..referring to the comparison to one’s neighbor as a benchmark for social caste or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to “Keep up with the Joneses” is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.

You can now understand why people find it so tempting and desirable to be like or keep up with theJoneses. The rewards seam so pleasing. On the outside the Jones’s look happy, but what is really going on behind those closed doors?

I’ve heard it said that

the grass is always greener

on the other side of those doors.

Most people are inclined to do what they have been taught to do all their lives and that is to try to keep up or surpass the Joneses next door with the hopes of taking over the ownership of this title; One-upmanship. The stronger your desire to do this the greater the workload you put upon yourself.

Are you following me so far? You made a choice and with every action there is a reaction. The reaction in this case is the darkening and increased impenetrability of the cloud clutter.

We have all heard

that a little

competition is healthy.

Sure, just a little. Unfortunately; overdose is the norm when it comes to “Keeping up with the Joneses”. The more you get the more you want, the more your you want, the more money you need and the more money you need the more extreme your workload becomes and the more extreme your workload becomes the bigger your responsibility becomes the bigger your responsibility becomes the busier you are and the busier you are the less time you have and the less time you have the more massive your stress becomes the more massive your stress becomes the more your health declines and so on……… I’m just saying, that’s all.

One you have collected all your things you will probably be inclined to feel very proud of yourself and rightfully so. Look at how hard you’ve worked. You have made it! You are now on top. The title is now yours. Your “are” the Joneses that everyone now inspires to be like.

Now what? Just as the universe is perceived to have no end so does your desire to want a little more. Besides, if you don’t you may loose your right to the ultimate title which you feel is rightfully yours.

So you

go for more.

What else it there to do? Besides if you don’t you may be putting your reputation on the line, with a good possibility of being labelled as a looser or worse. The pressure builds.

You soon realize that being on top requires great effort. The more you have the more maintenance is needed. Regardless whether you maintain things yourself or hire someone else to do it, more time and money will be needed

Now comes the feeling of great fear resulting from the idea of loosing your precious possessions that you have worked so hard for. How do you protect what you own? The more you have the more you have to loose. The higher you go the greater the distance you have to fall.

Some say that

the greatest fear is

fear itself.

I’m going to stop there because I think you might be getting the wrong idea of where I’m really going with my thoughts.

I’m not trying to convince you to live a life of a hobo or to desire nothing more that what you absolutely need in life to survive. Not at all; the point I am making is a very simple, and that is….

Hidden deep within your brain

under that

heavy dark impenetrable cloud of clutter

is a place were

all your thoughts began and

never end.

A place

that you once new well

as a young child

but as you grew older

you were told how to think

instead of being encouraged

to develop your individual thinking

in order for you to fulfil

your true will

by connecting to your

higher self.

When you have finished

reading the 11 chapters

and practiced the 11 steps

in this book

you will be able to say

Of Coarse

I Can



Standing in my way

By: Michael Englmann

Seed One

Half the Battle is Won


Believing in and Knowing

Your True self

By: Michael Englmann

Seed Two

Less can be More

Thank you for reading

A Man In A Boat

A Man In A Boat

I lived, I learned and then I wrote a song about a man in a boat with a million miles of water all around.

He was trapped inside himself you see like a boat on the water in the hands of the sea.

Son is this how you want your life to be. Take a good look around and you will see

That you got to take control of your life and stop stabbing yourself in the back with a knife.

The reason I’ told him all this friend is not to get his money or have his things to lend

But to tear out the pain that held him there and fill the gap with loving care.

I lived, I learned and then I wrote a song to my friend to show him how much I appreciate everything write to the end.

He’s been there for me so it’s plain to see that everybody needs a hand through the skies, over the sea’s and all across this land.

I lived, I learned so take it from me, a united world this place could be if we take the time to show we care and let the world know we are there.

As you live try to learn because someday it will be your turn

Written By: Michael K. Englmann 1990
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter

Seven Colors of Love

Seven Colors of Love

Thank you for the things you’ve shared with me

They are things a king could only dream to be.

They are greater than any possession on earth

No number is big enough to mark their worth

Their presence is not always seen

Yet nothing is to large for them to redeem

They cover all angles from below to above

Together they make up what is called Love

Each one has a colour and when put in a row

They form to an arch called a Rainbow

I’ll use them to paint the world I see

As you’ve done when you shared them with me

Written By: Michael K. Englmann 1993
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter 

Whispers of Warning

Whispers of Warning

Listen closely to the singing whispers of warning
In the form of sutler vibration
Born from the wings of Angels in mourning
For our souls in violation

In our noisy world: dirty and vain
Most will not hear so Low
On soil they stand below
Crumbling beneath their feet

Their hearts burning with emotional pain
As the masses weep in prayer
Thy Kingdon come, Thy will be done.....
Watching innocent family members dropping one by one

Written By: Michael Englmann on September 29,2012
AKA: iambigbang/Blue Sky Igniter

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Story behind the Halo

The Story Behind the Halo

Ever since I can remember I would and still imagine a beam of light on the right coming from the sky above. 

This beam of light would stop short just above the object or person I imagined in my minds creative center. I call this center my  "Nothing". This is where everything is created from nothing to become something.

I continued by imagining a halo of pure light forming at the end of this beam by which God would blow through. Just like a child would blow through a small hoop dripping with soapy water to form bubbles that would float in the air. 

Gods breath would assist in extending the light from the halo down ward, in a spherical form, and produce a bubble of pure energy that would encompass the object or person. This would result in creating a un-impenetrable field.

Written By: Michael Englmann September 27, 2012

If you are interested, I am looking for an artist to paint or draw this image for me. If you can help or know someone that can, please call or text me at: 416-824-7880

When I Awake

I wrote this prayer to accompany the prayer titled  "Lord So High"

When I Awake

When I awake
and the sun has come
Let it be done
that a halo appear above my head
By sending your light
Down from the right
Out of which an energy Field
Spherical and pure
Is blown from your breath
Encompassing me whole

Written By: Michael Englmann September 27, 2012

Lord So High

I wrote this prayer when I was 17 to protect my soul as I  slept at night. I taught it to my three perfect children as well. Please feel free to teach it to your children to protect their precious souls.

Lord So High

Lord so high
with-in the sky
Look upon me as I rest
Protect my soul
and shield my nest
For I don't know what lurks at night
and with you here
these things take flight.

Written by: Michael Englmann in 1984

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Your Fair Share

Your Fair Share

When you "Will" something,
you imagine it to be real in your mind
and believe it with all your heart

So Focus on the "Will"
and the "How" will unfold
in front and back of your eyes
giving you your fair share of the pie

Keep in mind:
There is just enough to go around,
so when you push for more
someone in the world will be poor

By: Michael Englmann 09/24/12

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes

I Love the sun shining down
It has a way of turning a frown upside right
Open your eyes
Pour in the light
Giving birth to wings
Upon which you will use to travel great heights
Beyond the blue skies


This is a positive seed of though that will grow in your mind to bare fruit containing more reflective seeds for sharing with others.



Positive seeds of thought grow like weeds in the soil of your mind. That being said....... The seeds of thought you just read have already grow to bare fruit so imagine eating the flesh of that fruit to give you wings. Spread your wings and fly high into the blue skies to share positive seeds of thought all over the world.

By: Michael Englmann 09/25/12

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rainbows and Butterflies

Rainbows and Butterflies

They say it doesn't matter where you've been, that it only matters where you're going.

But what if.....what if, where you've been changed you for life, leaving you mentally and physically crippled thereby stopping you from getting to where you were going.

Is there such a thing as another chance in this life to fall in love again.

I believe blue skies will show through as the pain of loosing you turns to Butterflies and Rainbows.

Today is a new day. Today I wash away all the hate I had for you.

Today I fill my soul with light.....Darkness is now where in sight.

Where shadows once existed, God is now enlisted.

Every morning I awake, every step I take, new promise will awake.

I believe blue skies will show through as the pain of loosing you turns to Butterflies and Rainbows.

Where are you going?

By: Michael Englmann

AKA:  iambigbang ( Lead singer of the band " KisKis " ) Written  August 16, 2012

Revelation 2012

Revelation 2012

With freedom comes suffering,
until such time that the mind cuts into the heart of the matter
with scatter shot intensity,
executing the willingness to suspend disbelief,
coupled with the intensification of inner good.

To conclude:
When the mind is complacent with discomfort
and oddly happy
but suddenly finding itself free from this situation,
a great feeling of suffering floods the mind with darkness.
The unavailing of the minds true acquisition of riches
is not realized
until disbelief is replaced with self-realization,
an unbreakable passion for belief in a feature that holds great promise
and finally believing that balance will be restored through blind faith.

I wish to impress one final thought on your mind.
It is this;
that in that pinnacle moment,
everything depends on the strength and quality of your feelings.
This is known as the " The Emotional Drive".
Not what you think is of primary importance
but what you desire
and how strongly you desire it.

Written By: Michael K. Englmann

On the 

Ninth Day

 Of The 
Fifth Month

In the
Year Two Thousand And Twelth

AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter