Souls Were Never Sold
(A Story to Ponder)
Human Beings never sold them-the-soul as previously thought. In actual fact what they did and still do is sell the rights to control their mind which is far worse.
The bodies actions are controlled by the mind by sending signals to different body parts by means of a drive-by-wire system known as the nervous system.
Generally, you-the-soul that resides in your body sits at the controls of your mind sending electrical signals down the nerves for the purpose of moving your body this way and that.
There are two seats at the control station of your mind. One of the two seats belong to you-the-soul (Pilot/Captain) of your human body, the second seat is for a co-pilot that the you-the-soul chooses with free will.
At times you-the-soul chooses to go ahead on your own without a co-pilot attempting to understand life that lay ahead. This leaves the co-pilot seat open for chance. This can be a risky move, especially when moments get rough for you-the-soul to control your body on your own.
When you-the-soul is in distress, are extremely venerable. The mind becomes a noisy, busy overwhelming place for you-the-soul. This is when two things happen: the first is a gentle knock that is hard tapping on the control cabin door just behind the two seats. The second thing that happens is an introduction from a smooth over powering, enticing voice that begins to speak through the cabin speakers offering to help by taking over the controls with one condition:
"If you choose to allow me to assist you-the-soul in controlling your mind and body
than I will reward you with all the material possessions you desire" .
But what about the gentle knock on the cabin door? If you opened the door you would see and feel help that offers guidance without conditions and will show you the right moves to make in order to clear the distress, fear and confusion from your mind's control cabin, guiding you to clear blue skies.
Unfortunately, most them-the-souls choose to take the easy path that comes with the condition of give up the controls entirely. What a deal, sit back and enjoy all the benefits while the dark menacing voice does all the work.
Complacent comfort sets in for you-the-soul as you settle in for the ride of its life, unaware of the dangers that lay ahead.
Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 16, 2012