Sunday, December 16, 2012

One RainDrop At A Time ( A Birthday Present )

One Raindrop At A Time

I awaken to the sound of rain
Gently tapping on the roof above me.
As if to knock on the door of my heart
To offer cleansing vibrations for my soul
While I lay there listening,
I imagined that I was connected to its rhythm
A new piece of music was being written
One raindrop at a time, just for me
It's simple moments like these
That remind me that I am alive, doing well 
And most of all thought of and loved by our Creator.
It's truly a beautiful, cleansing adventure I am on
I pray that each and every soul will awaken every morning
To their own unique musical message
That leads them on this priceless journey
Created in unison by themselves and God
One raindrop at a time.

I wrote this poem as a gift to give to Jesus Christ our Lord
on his birthday celebration this year
Merry Christmas to Everyone

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AkA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 16, 2012

Souls Were Never Sold (A Story To Ponder)

Souls Were Never Sold
(A Story to Ponder)

Human Beings never sold them-the-soul as previously thought. In actual fact what they did and still do is sell the rights to control their mind which is far worse.
The bodies actions are controlled by the mind by sending signals to different body parts by means of a drive-by-wire system known as the nervous system.
Generally, you-the-soul that resides in your body sits at the controls of your mind sending electrical signals down the nerves for the purpose of moving your body this way and that.
There are two seats at the control station of your mind. One of the two seats belong to you-the-soul (Pilot/Captain) of your human body, the second seat is for a co-pilot that the you-the-soul chooses with  free will.
At times you-the-soul chooses to go ahead on your own without a co-pilot attempting to understand life that lay ahead. This leaves the co-pilot seat open for chance. This can be a risky move, especially when moments get rough for you-the-soul to control your body on your own.
When you-the-soul is in distress, are extremely venerable. The mind becomes a noisy, busy overwhelming place for you-the-soul. This is when two things happen: the first is a gentle knock that is hard tapping on the control cabin door just behind the two seats. The second thing that happens is an introduction from a smooth over powering, enticing voice that begins to speak through the cabin speakers offering to help by taking over the controls with one condition:
"If you choose to allow me to assist you-the-soul in controlling your mind and body than I will reward you with all the material possessions you desire" .
But what about the gentle knock on the cabin door? If you opened the door you would see and feel help that offers guidance without conditions and will show you the right moves to make in order to clear the distress, fear and confusion from your mind's control cabin, guiding you to clear blue skies.
Unfortunately, most them-the-souls choose to take the easy path that comes with the condition of give up the controls entirely. What a deal, sit back and enjoy all the benefits while the dark menacing voice does all the work.
Complacent comfort sets in for you-the-soul as you settle in for the ride of its life, unaware of the dangers that lay ahead.

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 16, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Empty Clean Plate ( A Reflection Of.....)

Empty Clean Plate
( A Reflection Of...... )

An empty clean plate in front of......
Could it be true the reflection I see
No more dirty boots stomping on my mat
Below the chair from where I sat
A clean new start from with open doors
With the wisdom so simple that less is more
And the insight of what not to do
I will always hold dear the thought of me and.....
So, if your plate is filled with too much to eat
You'll feel the pain from stomping feet
In the chair from where you sit
Until the bottom of your plate you hit

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 08, 2012


Ten Things I Don't Have ( Less is More )

Ten Things I Don't Have
( Less is More )

Snails in my bed
Cob webs in my head
A bullet in my brain
A nail through my foot causing pain
Having to watch my back
Company with a rat
Eating through a tube in my nose
Cancer inside that grows
Drinking from a bottle every night
Sleeping in a bed of shite

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 08, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Connecting The Dots ( Throughout Your Thoughts )

Connecting The Dots
(Throughout Your Thoughts)

Have you every imagined all possibilities
Visions in your mind so clear it feels like reality
Your dreams are closer than you think
They can materialize in a blink
The steps are simple enough
With moments that can be quite rough
First you need to give and take
While you add and eliminate
Sitting quiet and very still
It doesn't take a lot
Finish by connecting the dots
Throughout your thoughts
To unlock the shackles
And untie the knots

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 07, 2012

Everything Good

Everything Good

Everything good I see
Reflects the good in me
Everything good I hear
Brings joy to my ears
Everything good I touch
I love and respect so much
Everything good I smell
Bring thoughts of things gone well
Everything good I taste
By God's hand was graced

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 07, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012



Heavy dark columns of impenetrable clutter
 Pulled over the windows of our souls 
Like an iron clad shutter
A by-product produced from busyness, stress and fear
Forming clouds in our mind's atmosphere
Blocking out the rays of light
Taking away our God given right
To control our own thoughts and ability to choose
And the understanding of don'ts and do's
It started with a negative seed of thought
Transmitted far and wide that unaware people bought
Its appearance was of glitter and gold
With a guarantee of fortune and fame with no mention told
Of its destructive side effects
Extreme busyness and huge responsibility producers
Time eliminators and stress and fear inducers
With the final by-product being the worst of its kind
Designed to control and destroy man's soul and mind 

Written By: 
Michael K. Englmann
December 06, 2012

Please Share Your Thoughts


Sledge And Chisel

Sledge And Chisel

Shelled out lives are strewn across the manufactured landscape
These unrecognizable silhouettes are disguised in tinted shades of grey
To hide their pickled souls that soak in a slew of
Shame, greed and grotesquely swollen egos
Few well-rooted rocks remain unaffected by the
Force of the golden sledge and chisel
As it hacks away at everything good
Guilty of premeditated murder of inner awareness
Self destruction was always the final destination for this
One way journey to the edge, driven by a flat projection
spinning out of control.

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 05, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Love Your Vibe ( Spread Your Wings Out Wide )

Love Your Vibe
( Spread Your Wings Out Wide )

Angels with their wings out wide
In them you can confide
Your deepest worries and fears abound
Through their God given gifts profound
You will soon learn how to love your vibe
And connect to your strengths inside
Never again having to hide
You can now spread " Your " wings out wide

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Igniter
December 03, 2012

Angelic Song ( Damage To My Heart Undone ) Ver 01

Angelic Song
( Damage To My Heart Undone )
Version 01

To Jesus Christ and my Angels I pray
For salvation to finally come my way
As I lay in my bed tonight alone
And cry over the greatest loss I have ever known
Freedom from this heart ache I really need
Felt from the gash where I continue to bleed
An Angel, glowing brightly blue in front of me, appear
Embracing me with warmth and love that's finanlly here
Her devine presence begins to heal as she sings her angelic song
While continuing to burst out beautiful brightness all night long
Her music resonates control of the needle and thread
To the gash in my heart it does wedd
And her elevated vibrations on high
Dry up all the puddles of pain that I cry
Thank you Angel of blue and God's begotten Son
For the damage to my heart undone
I'll spread your word Jesus Christ my Lord
With pen in hand as my Sword
To your children all over the world

Written by: Michael Englmann
AKA: BigBang / Blue Sky Ingniter
November 01, 2012
Revised December 06, 2012