A Slice Of Life
Fetch me my thoughts old boy
As I pull down the shades on my window pane
I've put on my spandex brain pants
To go walking along memory lane
It's hard to say how long I'll be
I may have to travel across land and sea
As I dream up adventures deep within me
The weather could change as quick as a wink
Going from storm to a sunset in pink
When I awake from my snooze in this seat
I'm sure to be ready to get to my feet
It's hard to say were the line should be drawn
Between the fun of a day and dust until dawn
But I surely respect the importance of both
I solemnly swear with the power of oath
That a dream is a slice
Of this thing we call life
Written by: Michael Englmann
On: July 26, 2013
AKA: Bigbang - BlueSky Igniter