Thursday, December 10, 2015

Bucket Man

Bucket Man

Bucket Man with bucket mind
What a mess he leaves behind
The outside world is all he sees'
He lives his live above the knees'
Wanting this and wanting thater
His bulging bucket getting fatter
And when his bucket over flows
Higher and higher his bucket grows
No longer can he see the ground
Or hear the call of nature's sound
He selfishly seeks to own it all
The higher he goes the harder he'll fall
He'll never understand what he's truly worth
Until his feet reconnect with healing Earth

Written By: Michael K. Englmann
On the 
Twenty Second Day
 Of The 
Tenth Month
In the Year
Two Thousand And Fifteen
AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter

For All The Selfless Men (Version One)

Selfless Men
(Version One)

Yesterday the ground was stained with red red rain
Today the sky is bright and blue with hope again
Blessed are we that all can stand
Upon this free and fertile land
Let us then show our respects in mass
For those who fought in war that have since passed
By pinning poppies of red upon lapel
To show our respect for the selfless men that fell
Now take a moment to remember with our hearts
That each of these men, helped make up the parts
Of what today our country has become
And pray that waging wars are forever done

Written By: Michael K. Englmann
On the 
Eleventh Day
 Of The 
Eleventh Month
In the Year
Two Thousand And Fifteen
AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter