Thursday, May 27, 2010

Waking up

The first time I realized what I was is when a perfect stranger approached me while I was working late one night pressure washing the side walk of a commercial building in North Vancouver. She said to me that she new who I was. She said I was an arch. I said, a what. An Arch Angel, she replied.

She didn't stick around for very long after she told me this.

I had no idea who this person was and had never met them before that I can remember. Since them I have never seen this person again.

I asked who she was and she told me she was a member of a local band that impersonated another famous band. She looked to be in her early 40's.

I asked her why she thought I was an archangel and she said that she could see some energy or something around me.

At first I had my doubts. But since that moment almost three years earlier I have had many situations that made me think a lot about her statement. I still wonder though if I have a special purpose.

I think it could be that I have lived many lives experiencing many things. Education that I needed before I awoke.

Does any of this sound possible. Has anyone else had or know someone with similar experiences.


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