Can't put the pieces together. Why. Simply because the mind is a vast universe made up of mostly space. As info is collected but not apparently relevant to one another , it is stored in the mind ( the universe ) . This continues for some time until your mind subconsciously puts the individual ideas together to form a complete picture.
Has it ever happened to you where you just can't find a solution to a problem. You give up and put your mind to work on other thoughts. As time goes by your mind subconsciously works on the problem without you even knowing. Your mind searches your universe ( your mind ) for similar ideas much like a computer does, associating ideas, until, without warning, the light bulb goes on.
You may have even made a connection in the past with the grouped ideas to form a clear picture but cannot recall the idea when needed. Why is this. This is because your mind is like a hard drive. As info is used it gets misplaced and the mind takes a while to find it. Computers can be fixed by doing what is called a defragmenting. By getting sleep and quiet time the mind defrags itself.
The gears of the world today keeps us so busy that there is no time for a breather. Do this, Do that, go to bed and start all over again the next day. Is this deliberate. Yes. The busier we are the less time we have to think about what really matters. Ourself.
Back when times where simpler, people had time to think of nothing, do nothing. This is when great thoughts could enter the vast universe of the mind. Stress is a force field blocking out thought frequencies that float around in the atmosphere around us all. Every answer to everything has already been created. You just have to let it in.
Michael the Archangelmann
Love it. Your apparently connected to your higher self.
ReplyDeleteLove it. Your apparently connected to your higher self.