Wednesday, August 24, 2016



Did you ever stop-time-to-think about the tick-talking-of-the-clock ?  Mechanical-time constantly controls-our-thinking. The mechanical tick-talking-of-the-clock dick-tates at a constant speed: never changing....... absolute......... solidly reliable it would seem. Reliability is thought to be a sense of security.

The Greatest power on Earth seems to be the Clock. Did you ever stop-time-to-think how your every action revolves around mechanical-time, just as the Earth revolves around the Sun. Did you ever stop-time-to-think that our hearts are similar to clocks...... they tick-talk like a clock everyday, however, the tick-talking of our hearts in certainly not constant: it tends to change its speed according to our physical actions; it revolves around us instead.

Are we then the Sun of Time ? I thought about the sound the mechanical clock makes, and noticed I no longer hear it. Digital clocks tend to make no sound. I think the sound of the clock used to re-enforce the sense of security as does all things that are constantly dictated and seemingly reliable.

Could it be that this sense of security was false all along ? Maybe just maybe, by not hearing the tick-talking-of-the-clock, we have regained our sense of freedom from the disappearance of the constant audible sound of the tick-talking-of-the-clock nipping at our minds: we can now stop-the-clock-to-think, thereby, giving freedom back to thought.

It's funny how a person can get to where they are going by applying freedom-of-thought, which inevitably decreases the amount of time it takes to get to where they were meant to go in the first place....... all-the-while, mechanical-time stayed constant. Could this mean that time can exist within time, within time, within time.......etc.

If this is true, freedom-of-thought is the greatest source of power : even greater than the tick-talking-of-the-clock. Time then becomes a creation of thought, and not a creation of mechanical movement dictating our every move. This gives you the power to stop and start time at any one particular time any time you desire. Mechanical time would no-longer control you by setting virtual boundaries, but instead, you would control the tick-talking-of-the-clock.

Written By: Michael K. Englmann

On the 

Second Day

 Of The 
Third Month

In the Year
Two Thousand And Sixteen

AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter

No Thistles Or Weeds

No Thistles Or Weeds

What is a page without words there upon it
It's much like a man that has lost all his wit
But something is said of a slate that is clean
It's then that a purposeful path can be seen
Gone is the waste - no more pride to defend
The once broken mind will begin to unbend
Sprouting thoughts will appear once again
In the form of words flowing from mental pen
Leaving it's mark upon the open fertile page
Like a fragrant garden growing parsley and sage
This time round they'll be no thistles or weeds
Just a warm loving Sun and the finest of seeds
Nurtured with love and with kindness abound
Foundations of strength will grow up from the ground
So keep in mind that thoughts are the same as seeds
They will grow into fragrant herbs or a garden of weeds
So carefully choose then the thoughts which to grow

For the reaper must pick what the farmer did sow

Written By: Michael K. Englmann

On the 

Fifth Day

 Of The 
Second Month

In the Year
Two Thousand And Sixteen

AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter

Friday, January 1, 2016

Beyond The Setting Sun

Beyond The Setting Sun

The Day is done - the Sun must go
Before it does there's one last show
Of painted clouds that sparkle and glow
Casting moving shadows on the earth below
This visual treat never grows old
I even heard that stories were told
Of Sunsets that made the mood just right
A red night sky brings Sailors' delight
Pink makes lovers hold each other tight
But my favorite part of the show by far
Are the countless colorful blinking stars
Shining through the colored clouds above
I imagine I'm blessed with stardust Love
That pumps my heart with inner sight
And charges my soul with fearless might
Now I can close my eyes and truly see
Beyond The Setting Sun
A New Journey Has Just Begun

But more than this I know, that in each and every one of us exists 
the energy and knowledge of the entire universe.
Your soul represents the Sun,  your billions of cells represent the Stars
that fill the universe, and your Brain represents the Earth. 
Supporting it all is your blood that represents the consciousness,
memories and knowledge of the world.
Forgive And Begin Again
With The Rising Of A New Born Sun

Written By: Michael K. Englmann

On the 

First Day

 Of The 
First Month

In the Year
Two Thousand And Sixteen

AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter