No Thistles Or Weeds
What is a page without words there upon it
It's much like a man that has lost all his wit
But something is said of a slate that is clean
It's then that a purposeful path can be seen
Gone is the waste - no more pride to defend
The once broken mind will begin to unbend
Sprouting thoughts will appear once again
In the form of words flowing from mental pen
Leaving it's mark upon the open fertile page
Like a fragrant garden growing parsley and sage
This time round they'll be no thistles or weeds
Just a warm loving Sun and the finest of seeds
Nurtured with love and with kindness abound
Foundations of strength will grow up from the ground
So keep in mind that thoughts are the same as seeds
They will grow into fragrant herbs or a garden of weeds
So carefully choose then the thoughts which to grow
For the reaper must pick what the farmer did sow
Written By: Michael K. Englmann
On the
Fifth Day
Of The
Second Month
In the Year
Two Thousand And Sixteen
AKA: BigBang / BlueSkyIgniter
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