Tuesday, June 18, 2019



Rotten Boxes six feet under
Silenced breath, awakened thunder
Soil dwellers quickly plunder
Flesh and bones disassembled
Human life no longer resembled

Broken Dreams, rusted nails
Dead men never tell no tales
Secrets lost, Muted sound
A hidden world beneath the ground

Superficial Strangers up above,
For his treasure, push and shove
Living souls with sticky fingers,
Meditated greed that fiercely lingers

The living covet tightened-grip,
Perceiving life as an ownership
There's nothing for it they proclaim,
glorifying pain with perpetual gain
There's nothing for it, to be insane
There's nothing for it they proclaim

Freedom that blesses those beneath,
Can bless the living if they release
Then mental pain will quickly cease
Giving sheep will grow new fleece

The power of belief can fill a need
Lead boots sink in an ocean of greed
When one believes, the mind is freed
Bad mentality kills a good seed

Written By: 
Michael K. Englmann
June 17, 2019

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