Saturday, August 23, 2014

Diana's Tu-lips

Diana's Tu-lips

Another day is upon you as your night turns to day
God is smiling and sends his love your way
Outside Tu-lips gleam of colors galore
As your angels sing, dance and sore
The spring rains cleanse the air
Gentle winds cause tu-lips to sway and pair
Soon your heart will glow and your eyes will flutter
As your world gradually fills with butter...flies
That softly utter words that true Love's kiss is close at hand
In your heart the warmth of the sun will heat your shores of white sand
Lapping waves and blue sky will give way to a promise
That forever more this dream will never die.
Warm tears trickling down your cheek
Quivering hands and knees so week
Its just to bad the guy you love is such a freak. Lol

Written by: Michael K. Englmann
On: March 04, 2014
AKA: BigBang/BlueSkyIgniter

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